The Munsie Family
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November 02, 2022
By Renata O'Donnell Photography
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“In family life, love is the oil that eases friction, the cement that binds closer together, and the music that brings harmony.” – Friedrich Nietzsche
I had a pleasure to to capture three generations of this beautiful family!
Meet the Munsie family!!
The Munsie family has spent time in Ocean park for generations! Their family cottage is now 5 generations owning it. "Many generations before would come and spend time here. We love Ocean Park! "Said Jackie.

Jackie husband's family years ago was part of the Salvation Army and would have worship services on the beach. The Munsie’s have a strong heritage here in Maine.  Their children have spent time here every year of their lives and now their grandchildren as well. Two of their children were days old the first time they came to their cottage.  

How did you and Paul meet?
"Paul and I met because of ocean park! I grew up in Portland and he in CT. His family had the cottage on Tioga avenue and they would come and spend some time in the summer here. We were summer love’s. We started dating when I was 15 and he was 17. We married when I was 20 and here we are 39 years later! So to say we love ocean park puts it mildly.  Our family will be connected here for many more generations to come I’m sure of it!" Concludes Jackie.
Thank you Jackie and Paul for choosing me to capture your family portraits and create beautiful memories for generations to come!
#oceanparkfamily #oceanparkphotographer #mainephotographer #beachphotoshoot #familyiseverything
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