Susan Desroberts I Women's History Month
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March 04, 2024
By Renata O'Donnell Photography
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Today, for the  "Women's History Month" project celebration, I would like to introduce this fantastic woman.

Meet Susan Desroberts, 63, wife, mother of 3, grandmother of 3, a business owner with an adventurous soul. 

“You can be a Difference maker.” Marilyn Appelbaum

Sue was brought up in Old Orchard Beach.  Sue is the oldest of 8 children.  Sue’s neighborhood was filled with many families with children.  Her house was the house in the neighborhood that had campfires and tents for sleep overs. A rich childhood with parents that taught their children to love the beauty of nature and kindness towards people.

Sue graduated from OOBHS 1978, as a young mother of three children Sue earned her Child Development Associate degree in the 1990’s, yearly Sue continues to take multiple classes in the field of Early Childhood Education. Most often taking classes in leadership/ mentoring to use in her daily work with children and adults.  

Sue is the owner / director of Sue’s Place Childcare Center in Arundel, Maine - est. in 2007. A building that was built from the ground up by her husband.  Jerry felt it was time for her to move the business from their home to a beautiful 2 ½ acre lot.  Sue takes great pride in her work as a role model to young families attending her program.  Supporting them and encouraging them to be the most important advocates for their children.  

Sue employs  10-12 people and provides care for 35 children per day aged 6 weeks to 4 years old. Creating spaces, having fun singing and doing activities with all the children helps to keep her young and enjoy the beauty of childhood every day.  Sue works directly with the children and the teachers, as well as maintaining the everyday functions of the childcare center.

Sue has been married to a wonderful man for 45 years. Together they have faced many challenges this entire time. "Jerry was in a horrific automobile accident in his early thirties and together we worked tirelessly to help him heal. Every time a challenge presents itself, we tackle it together with perseverance, determination, and education, respect and love.  For better or for worse we have stuck together." Said Sue.  

"We have learned that sometimes we need to disagree on certain issues and respect each other’s opinions. Life is to short to not keep moving forward in a positive direction!" 

Getting married at the age of 18 and giving birth to three healthy children, a son 44, a daughter 43 and a son 38.  Working very hard to get them through college.  All three of them are very successful adults.  Sue has 2 beautiful granddaughters and a grandson. One of biggest achievements for Sue was opening her childcare center in 2007. Jerry, her husband, built their facility from the ground up. Jerry believed in Sue and wanted her to have a facility that she owned and would expand her childcare field into a place where she was strong and independent, and he would know that she would make it on her own if something would happen to him.  Also, and most importantly they wanted her to care for their granddaughters in their infancy.  That would not have been possible if she remained licensed as a family childcare because she cared only for school aged children at that time. This has been one of her greatest achievements in her life.  Sue is very proud of her longevity in this profession. She is an advocate for young children and their families, and is very proud of making a difference in young people’s lives. Sue is optimistic, that she can help women reach their own potentials of being strong and independent. Sue and her husband have cared for their elderly parents in their older years. "It is because of them that I am the person I am today." Says Sue. She feels strongly about the fact that every young person should spend time with an elderly person.  The stories and life journeys they have encountered are worth listening to.

What are you passionate about in life?

I am passionate about surrounding myself with people with positive energy, people that are genuinely honest and caring. I love going to concerts especially tribute bands. I am  at my best in a room full of people laughing, being silly, playing games at family game nights. My family means the world to me! Growing up in a family that is loud with laughter, conversation and great food. "I make a delicious lasagna followed by homemade whoopie pies for dessert." 

I am also passionate about learning and discovering new things by adventure and believe in trying things at least once to see if she likes it.  I enjoy spending weekends at my camp watching and feeding birds, boat rides and fishing all help me to relax and enjoy peaceful times.

I believe in true love!

I love making a difference in everything I do.

What do you value the most in life?
 My family the most, my husband, my independence, my career, my journey!
Advice for other women?
Always be treated respectfully.  Don’t just settle.  Be strong and determined. Surround yourself with people that appreciate you for who you are inside and out.
Here are a few more of Susan's Favorite quotes:

“Kindness matters”

“For every should’ve you wish you’d done, acknowledge something your glad you did” Eric T. Moore

“Everybody can be great… because anybody can serve.  You don’t have to have a college degree to serve. You don’t have to make your subject and verb agree to serve. You need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love.”  Martin Luther King Jr. 


Thank you, Susan, for sharing your story and empowering others!

#womenshistorymonth #womansupportingwomen #womanpower #mainephotographer

Leave a comment:
Renata O'Donnell - Thank you!! ❤️
Nancy W Rawlings - Sue, wonderful article with great pictures. I miss our get together and I am proud to know you. 💗
Diane Keenan - I had the honor & pleasure of going to school & graduating with her in my class! Sue was always a positive, outgoing person who was always kind to everyone! Way to go Sue, I love you friend! Great going with all your accomplishments in life! So very happy for you!
Jane Flannery Hall - Beautiful! Strength and commitment!
Nancy E Cantara - Beautiful story, amazing lady, fabulous photographer. I loved all of it. ♥
