Hillary Goldthwait-Fowles I Fabulous Over 40
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April 28, 2024
By Renata O'Donnell Photography
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Hillary is just an amazing woman that I had the pleasure to meet and work with. Together we had a lot of fun and created some beautiful portraits.

Meet the Fabulous Hillary Goldthwait-Fowles, 52, an instructional design specialist at the Kennedy Krieger Institute and a special education consultant/technology specialist.

Fabulous Women over 40. What does that mean? Does it mean a skinny, flawless body, voluminous hair, and glamorous clothes? Or does it mean to feel confident, vibrant, lively, sexy at any age? 

I didn't really have the answer to this question until I took a leap of faith and signed up for a photo shoot with Renata. My initial reasoning for doing this, at 52, was to bring awareness to mental health, as I am currently in recovery from PTSD, Anxiety, and Depression. On the surface, you may see an accomplished, articulate, intelligent person. Which are all true. But behind that, in the recesses of the mind, experiences and events can cloud this. One where you don't see your worth or value. One where you put the negative things others have said about you as truth. One where you hide so that others won't really notice you. My goal was to change this toxic mindset that I developed with a photo shoot.

To be honest, I was very nervous. I'm not at my most ideal weight, my energy is recovering, and after not really taking care of myself, it kind of showed. But, upon entering the studio, I was warmly greeted by Renata and her stylist. Having professional hair and makeup was such a treat! I felt natural and more of an enhanced version of me, as opposed to someone I didn't recognize. I was met with love and compassion as opposed to judgement and ridicule. I was given permission to express myself authentically with Renata's support.

I felt powerful. I felt confident. I felt like myself in a way I didn't know I could. Over time, the doubts and the fears went away, and were replaced with joy, gratitude, and a grounding in the knowledge that as a woman over 40, I am part of a club that is better than a favorite bra - supportive and uplifting in all the right places. Often times women have been pitted against each other (society does a great job at that) where put downs are the norm and unrealistic expectations are shopped in social media posts as what you should do. It dishonors and dehumanizes women at every turn. 

What I didn't realize at the time is the Fabulous Women over 40 is so much more than an experience. It's a movement for other women over 40 to be SEEN, HEARD, VALUED, and LOVED for who they are through the lens of Renata. What Renata is doing is the ultimate act of love for women everywhere. Where the variability of women are celebrated through photography, Where stories are shared and honored. Where women get to experience their own essence in an empowering, safe way without judgement.

My hope for women everywhere is to take part in this experience. Women of every size, shape. Women with disabilities. Women who are black, brown, indigenous. Women who are who they are. Without judgement or ridicule.

Compassion and empathy for others comes very easily, however compassion for myself? Well that's a tricky one. However, this experience has taught me that I'm capable of so much more than i imagined, that I AM a beautiful women and that women over 50 like myself are busting barriers, outdated stereotypes, and more.

Kind words:
Thank you, Renata for capturing it all. You are truly doing God's work.


Thank you, Hillary , for sharing your story and empowering others!


Want to share your own story and be a part of the FABULOUS Over 40 Portrait Experience? Click here.

#fabulousover40 #womansupportingwomen #womanpower #mainephotographer #ageisjustanumber

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1 Comment
Meghan Houde - These are Beautiful pictures Hillary.. you look stunning!!
