Amanda Tripp - Women's History Month
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March 16, 2023
By Renata O'Donnell Photography
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Today, for the 16th day of  "Women's History Month" project celebration, I would like to introduce this fantastic & beautiful woman

Meet Amanda Tripp, 45, Wife, Mom of 2, Daughter, Sister, ML Teacher, Track Coach and the owner of a free spirit and an adventurous soul...

"We rise by lifting others." -Robert Ingersoll

Amanda is from Saco, ME and has lived here her entire life. She lives in Saco with her husband, daughter (15), son (12), her dog and 2 cats. 
She attended all of the Saco Schools and graduated from Thornton Academy. Amanda then attended University of Maine in Orono and graduated in 2001 with her elementary teaching degree.

Amanda has worked in education for over 20 years at all grade levels from K-12 in various positions. Her jobs have ranged from educational technician, librarian, first grade teacher, a coach of cross country and track and field and, most recently, a multilingual language teacher to young elementary students. She is thrilled about this new position! These kids have stolen her heart and she feels so fortunate to be a part of their lives. She has learned so much and cannot wait to learn more to continue teaching them english.

Amanda tries to be the best she can be with all the different hats she wears- wife, mother, daughter, sister, teacher, coach, friend, etc. She says she tries her best to stay balanced, to try not to sweat the small stuff and to always remember what is important. 
She has a passion for having fun and always trying new adventures. Things she loves: Running, hiking, being in nature, watching the sunrise, teaching, coaching, skiing, watching and supporting her kids in school and sports, learning about nutrition, and taking photos.
Running has been a HUGE part of her life.  She began distance running when she was about 15 years old, when she was on the track team in high school. It has been her go-to ever since then. Whenever she has a bad day, feels anxious or upset and even when she is happy, a run will pick her up. It has been a consistent part of her life, helping with both mental and physical health. Running has been an outlet for her.  It has helped her to set goals and has allowed her to push herself further and harder than she ever thought she was capable. Running has been something that continues to give her a sense of accomplishment and something to feel good about when other parts of her life may not be going so great.  She has been inspired by many other runners, knowing how hard they have worked and the dedication they have put forth. She has made lifelong friends with teammates, running groups and even now, the coaches she has had. She has run 9 marathons and is hoping for at least one more to get to that magic number of 10. This passion and wonderful feeling she has about running has led her to coaching the girls track team at Thornton Academy.  She loves track and field because it is a sport that everyone can participate in, regardless of talent or experience. All track athletes can work to get better and try to achieve their personal bests. She says it's amazing to watch these girls work with grit and determination in multiple practices per week and then share in the excitement of their achievements or when they shock themselves by exceeding their own expectations!
What do you value the most in life?
"Health is number one.  I grew up in a family with chain smoking, alcoholism and addiction. At a very young age, I realized how vital health is. I have a daughter who was diagnosed with epilepsy when she was 5 years old. The journey my family has had with this diagnosis between seizures, medications, brain surgery, etc. have been another huge reminder of the importance of health and how fortunate our family is to be healthy and capable of living with the gift of health."  
"Second, would be making memories with my friends and family."  Says Amanda
Advice for other women?
"Try to have as much fun as possible- hike the mountain, save up for the trip, jump off the cliff, get your hair wet, push yourself out of your comfort zone, be silly and surround yourself with people that support you and make you laugh."
Here is another one of Amanda's Favorite quotes:
"It is not the critic that counts: Not the man that points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to those in the arena, whose face is marred by dust, sweat and blood, who strives valiantly...who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself in a worthy cause, who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who have never known victory nor defeat."  -Theodore Roosevelt


Thank you, Amanda, for sharing your story and empowering others!

#womenshistorymonth #womansupportingwomen #womanpower #mainephotographer

Leave a comment:
Shelley Packard - I so enjoyed this article and the beautiful photographs of Amanda, who is the daughter of my very dear high school friend, Debbie Adams Brewer and her husband Leslie Brewer. They must be so proud of this amazing young woman. Congratulations Amanda!♥️
Les Brewer - My daughter never looked better. A very proud dad.
Christopher Brewer - The Brother of this amazing Mother, Wife, and sister. I watched grow up into the beautiful person that she has become. Amanda is an inspiration to all that she has achieved, and the things that she will achieve in life. 🙏🏼
Hannah Barnes - Every photo is more beautiful than the last - stunning! Loved the article, too!
Teig DeGennaro - Love this beautiful story and photos about an absolutely beautiful person inside and out
Teig DeGennaro - Loved this story and the beautiful photos of a really beautiful person inside and out
Jen Mullett - Beautiful story about a beautiful person!
Abby Purvis - I am so blessed to call this woman my very best friend! I am so glad she was chosen for this for the amazing human being she is!❤️
